Max Weinreich

About me
I am an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University, working at the intersection of dynamical systems, algebraic geometry, and number theory. I received my Ph. D. from Brown University in May 2022, advised by Joe Silverman. My NSF supervisor is Laura DeMarco.Pronouns: he/him
Curriculum Vita (CV)
Contact Info
Email: mweinreich [at] math [dot] harvard [dot] eduPapers
7. Algebraic billiards in the Fermat hyperbola. Preprint, submitted, 39 pages, 2024.
6. The dynamical degree of billiards in an algebraic curve. Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2024. 61 pages. talk video
5. GIT stability of linear maps on projective space with marked points. To appear in Illinois J. Math., 2024. 39 pages.
4. Dynamical moduli spaces and polynomial endomorphisms of configurations. With Talia Blum, John Doyle, Trevor Hyde, Colby Kelln, and Henry Talbott. Arnold Math Journal, 33 pages, 2022. arxiv
3. The algebraic dynamics of the pentagram map. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 46 pages, 2022. arxiv
2. Automorphism groups of endomorphisms of P^1(F_p). With Julia Cai and Benjamin Hutz and Leo Mayer. Glasgow Math Journal, 34 pages, 2022. arxiv
1. Counting arcs in projective planes via Glynn's algorithm. With Nathan Kaplan, Susie Kimport, Rachel Lawrence, and Luke Peilen. Journal of Geometry, 17 pages, 2017. arxiv
About my math
I study arithmetic dynamics, which is the study of iteration of functions in number theory. My particular interests include dynamical degrees, billiards, moduli spaces, integrable systems, finite fields, and projective configurations.

My recent work is on billiards in algebraic curves. Watch a video that illustrates my work!

Topics course notes on dynamical degrees
Mapping classes and character varieties
NSF Information
My work is currently supported by NSF Grant No. 2202752. My graduate work was supported by NSF Grant No. 2040433.